Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Dream Research Project Essay

What is a dream? Dreams are a symbol and link to the inner core of the human subconscious. Dreams as scientist say are stories our brains create while we are sleeping at night. Every dream is not the same, and their qualities depend, at least in part, on the stage of sleep in which they occur. There are different stages of sleep, REM sleep is the one dreams most appear in. REM stands for rapid eye movement in which brain activity is high and signaled by rapid horizontal movements of the eyes. Like all movies, dreams have story lines. Dreams in light sleep, stages 1 and 2, are like children’s movies short and simple. Dreams can be for as long as 20 minutes, to a few seconds. They can vary from normal and mundane, to surreal and bizarre. Dreams can often times drive creative thought, or provoke a sense of inspiration. Scientists believe everybody dreams, but sometimes we forget. We tend to forget when we naturally pass out of sleep through the traditional cycle. If a person is awoken directly from REM sleep (by an alarm clock), they are much more likely remember the dream from that REM cycle. Psychologists have also concluded that our daily activities while we are awake can have an affect on our dreams. However, scientists are unsure of what degree of an impact this makes on us. In one study a group of people wore red-tinted goggles before they went to sleep and there was another group that did not wear the goggles before they went to sleep. Even though anyone did not know the purpose of the study, when group that wore the goggles before they slept had woken the next morning, they had reported seeing more red images in their dreams than the people without goggles. According to First magazine, the average person has about 1. 460 dreams a year. That is 4 dreams every single day. In average you spend 10 to 30 percent of your sleeping time dreaming. You may think that vision is the only â€Å"dream sense† but it is not the only one. Vision is the prominent one, at least for sighted people. About half of all dreams an average person has have sound in them, but only 1 percent has taste, touch, or smell. However, a third of men and 40 percent of women have experienced smell or taste in a dream at least once in there life. Why do dreams occur? There is no shortage of theories as to why we dream. Some see dreaming as an important process through which all species with complex brains analyze and consolidate information. This is supported by the fact that most mammals dream. Other theories conclude that dreaming is nothing more than random brain activity that has little to no logical relevance. Another theory is that dreams reveal wishes or desires we are not aware of during waking hours. Unrelated to that completely another theory is that the human brain contains an ample overload store of information, memories, and emotions. During sleep, nerve cells fire at random, throwing bits of all of them together in random, wild ways. One of the first theories regarding dreams and dreaming was that Sigmund Freud. According to Sigmund Freud, dreams were heavy in symbolism and often showed the true intent and emotions of a human being. Freud saw dreams as wish fulfillment: disguised ways to satisfy unconscious desires that are too upsetting to face consciously. Dreams might therefore offer clues to unconscious conflicts. Freud For instance, sexual desires might appear in a dream as the rhythmic motions of a horseback ride, or conflicting feelings about a parent might appear as a dream about a fight. Freud called dreams the â€Å"royal road† to the knowledge of the unconscious mind. Freud’s analysis of dreams brought about much controversy, especially amongst contemporary psychologists. Psychologists of today believe that dreams do have meaning; however, meaning is based upon the individual, not a set logic or theory as proposed by Freud. A very popular theory today is that dreaming specifically through REM sleep is essential for making memories. Several observations support hypothesis. For one when learning a new skill, REM sleep episodes are more frequent and last longer. When the new skill is mastered, those measures drop back to the normal average. Also during REM sleep, areas in the brain’s memory forming regions appear to â€Å"replay† patterns of nerve firing associated with the new learning.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Compare the ways the poets write about love or the absence of love Essay

Love is an emotional force to be reckoned with, and a pure source of inspiration for poets. Modern and ancient, love is a common theme of poetry; it enables poets to discuss there most inner feelings behind clever literary techniques and paradoxical phrases. Such techniques can be found in Shakespeare’s sonnet 130. In this sonnet he destroys the conventional view we have of such sonnets of the time. He takes the standard love sonnet and turns it on its head: â€Å"black wires grow on her head,† this, in any woman’s eyes is far from a compliment. Contradictorily, Ben Johnson’s on my first sonne’ is clear and obvious: â€Å"Farewell, thou child of my right hand,† this statement clearly delivers a sense of lament from Johnson, not only this but he compares his son to Jesus, â€Å"of my right hand† this was the place that God gave his son. Even the title gives a clear indication as to what he is writing about, â€Å"On My First Sonne† the word â€Å"sonne† gives a sense of incompleteness as if we add a -t to the end of the word it makes sonnet, furthermore the poem is written in sonnet form however it is only twelve lines and not the standard fourteen lines. All of this conveys further to the reader Johnson’s incompleteness through the loss of his son and his loss of love for life through this. â€Å"What he loves may never like too much,† this is the final nail in the coffin for Ben Jonson’s remaining hope in the world as he vows to never love something as much as he id his son for fear of loosing it like he lost his son. Such intense love for his son can be seen when he states â€Å"Ben. Jonson his best piece of poetry,† in this fleeting moment he denounces all his work in honour and in love for his dead son. Such a sensitive tone cannot be seen in Shakespeare’s sonnet 130 until the end: â€Å"And yet by heaven I think as rare,† here we can see that William is declaring that despite his mistresses â€Å"reek† and her â€Å"wires† for hair he still thinks she is â€Å"belied with false compare,† this proves to the reader that love does not always take the form of beauty and glamour or ever good smelling breath, but can also be achieved through an honest personality and good nature, This proves to the reader that love is not based upon looks, and perhaps a true love is that which sees your partners flaws, admits that maybe other people are more beautiful, more special, more wonderful, yet that he loves her flaws and imperfections, making his love the most true. A very different perception of love is described in Duffy’s Anne Hathaway; she talks in this poem about the sexual encounters Anne Hathaway has with her husband Shakespeare. The poem is written in sonnet for so as to mimic Shakespeare’s famous form of poetry. It also ends with a rhyming couplet which was also a technique commonly used by Shakespeare. â€Å"Romance.† This single word is highlighted by a caesura; this tells the audience that love in this case is romance and story endings. Duffy uses fairytale iconography to emphasise this point â€Å"torchlight, cliff tops†¦Ã¢â‚¬  this fairytale imagery shows us that Anne Hathaway desired a fairytale happy ending, and it tells us that on that second bed Shakespeare took her there. In Armitage’s Home Coming he addresses a love based on trust â€Å"arms spread wide and free fall† this shows us that he believes that for his â€Å"two things on their own and both at once† there has to be trust involved, this description of â€Å"two things on their own and both at once,† is clearly describing the love he feels for his wife who he is writing about. â€Å"Im waiting by the phone† this shows the audience that he wants to call his wife because he understands the situation she is in however he cannot be a shoulder to lean on in such a situation as this because he is not with her in the phone box. The image of the phone box shows the desperation she feels and how she needs contact, not necessarily with someone she loves, but just a shoulder to lean on. In all four poems I have looked at very different views and perspectives of love. Each of the poets produces a slightly varied definition of love; for Jonson it is cause for lament, for Shakespeare it is cause to learn, for Armitage it is about trust and guidance, and for Duffy it is about romance. This proves that love has a different meaning for each and every person it touches.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Impact of the Light Bulb and Cell Phone on Society Essay

When one reflects on the past century, it is astonishing how much technology has evolved in every sense. From light bulbs that lasted only ten hours, to bulbs that can now last over ten thousand hours. From a simple cellular phone only capable of making phone calls, to today’s smartphones that have effectively changed the way we interact with one another. Although there will always be opponents of technology, there is no denying that is has positively impacted modern society, and the way we live, work, and communicate. Thomas Alva Edison In today’s society, when a light bulb goes out, we think nothing of it. It is easy to drive to the closest store, purchase the appropriate bulb for next to nothing, and replace the burnt out bulb. What people don’t realize, however, are the painstaking hours of work and dedication that Thomas Edison devoted to this magical wonder, and the impact that it has had on society today. In order to fully understand and appreciate this marvel, it is necessary to go back in time and relive the invention for yourself. In Chapter 1 of Beyond Engineering, Robert Pool takes you back to the beginning, back to the time when â€Å"if people wanted light after the sun went down, they still performed the age-old ritual: they lit a fire. Outdoors, it might be a wood fire; indoors, a candle or kerosene lamps†. Before Edison’s invention transformed society, the majority of people were cast in the dark when the sun went down. Although candles and kerosene lamps were an option, they were not only dim, but also a potential safety hazard. They were also unable to provide the reliable source of light that today’s lamps produce. Even though a few warehouses and factories had arc lighting installed, this technology was far too expensive and unattainable for the average household. It goes without saying that the light bulb itself was nothing special. Without all the additional technology and developments that followed, such as power stations, transformers, electrical wiring, etc., its impact on society would have been minimal. It is incontrovertible, however, that the electrical technology that has emerged thanks to the light bulb, has impacted and transformed society beyond recognition. Without these developments, modern society would still be in the dark. We would not have the privilege of travel that we take for granted today, thanks to vehicle headlights, aircraft lighting, streetlamps, etc. We would never have developed the modern workforce that our society benefits from today, thanks to twenty-four hour lighting, and the contemporary conveniences that we enjoy today. Not to mention the ability to enjoy our homes any time of day, not just when the sun is shining. Without the progress that followed the light bulb, we would not have access to today’s amenities that we take for granted, such as electric stoves, microwaves, movie theatres, â€Å"night life† and computers, to name only a few. Though it is doubtful that Thomas Edison ever dreamed that his invention would alter life for millions of people to come, it is indisputable that it truly has. Cellular Devices The cellular telephone is an excellent example of a device that has evolved from a simple, uncommon product, in to a complex multi-billion dollar industry. From a product that began as an expensive toy, only attainable by the most privileged members of First World society, to an invaluable device used by the majority of people worldwide. If you were to return to the point of origin, when the cell phone was first created, you would certainly never be able to convey to its original manufacturer the technological evolution that has brought cellular technology to the point it’s at today. When mobile telephones were first invented, they were a modest, bulky device with only one purpose- to make and receive phone calls from â€Å"anywhere†; not at all similar to the sleek, complicated models we use today. It is not difficult to realize the enormous changes the cellular phone has undertaken since the first model was released. Although the cell phones of the past certainly had an assortment of parts and pieces to make it work, it pales in comparison to the vast, complex array of parts that are needed today to make a smartphone function. Similar to the complexities of the Boeing 747 â€Å"super jet†, â€Å"No single person can comprehend the entire workings† of a cell phone. The cell phone found in the pocket of the majority of citizens of the world today include GPS, Wi-Fi, 3G or 4G networks, LTE, high-resolution cameras and millions of downloadable user-made applications to choose from. In fewer than 30 years, the cell phone went from a rare device only attainable by the wealthiest of the population, to a device that a large percentage of the population now owns. Whether on the streets of downtown Toronto, or a small village in poverty-stricken East Africa, it is becoming increasingly rare to find a person who does not own a mobile device. Similar to the light bulb, the cell phone began as a modest product with a modest purpose, and underwent multiple, complex revisions to result in the current models manufactured today. If one examines the cell phone’s impact on our culture, it is evident that it has had both a positive and a negative impact on society. Without a doubt, the largest positive impact has been its ability to make day-to-day life less complicated, and ultimately, easier. Among a never-ending list of examples are: the ability to set reminders for appointments, meetings and important dates, an endless array of how-to and do-it-yourself applications to save money on professional services, internet access from anywhere, instant access to bank, email and home security accounts, etc. Mobile technology has also made it easier to stay in touch with loved ones around the world. Deployed troops are able to communicate with their families at home via Skype, international businesses can hold meetings with cowor kers on the other side of the world via videoconference, and parents are able to communicate with their children anytime, from anywhere. It is easily debatable that the positive impact cellular phones have had on society far outweigh the negative, however, it is not realistic to maintain that there has been no negative bearing at all. Aside from the physical danger associated with our near-obsession with our cell phones, such as texting and driving, the most easily identifiable negative effect is the noticeable decrease in personal, human interaction. It is not an exaggeration to say that the vast majority of today’s generation spend a large portion of their time on their cell phones. Whether in a restaurant, a classroom, public transportation, or the movie theatre, you are most likely surrounded by the bright light originating from someone’s phone screen. It is rare to walk down a public street, or through a shopping centre, without seeing people walking, texting, chatting or surfing online all at the same time, regardless of their surroundings. The intimate, social relationships between friends seems to have suffered as a result of society’s need to constantly feel â€Å"plugged in† to our mobile devices. Conclusion Without a doubt, technology will continue to adapt and evolve, as will our attitudes towards it. What seems futuristic and revolutionary today, will one day be taken for granted by our descendants. Just like the original inventors of the light bulb and cellular telephone, the inventors and manufacturers of today can only scarcely begin to imagine the different evolutions and modifications that their current products will undertake in the near-future. Though it is impossible to predict the inventions, creations and ideas to come, it is irrefutable that the impacts, both positive and negative, on society and the worldwide population as a whole, will be substantial. Bibliography 1) Chapter 1, History and Momentum, Beyond Engineering, How Society Shapes Technology, Robert Pool 2) Chapter 4, Complexity, Beyond Engineering, How Society Shapes Technology, Robert Pool ——————————————– [ 1 ]. Chapter 1, History and Momentum, Beyond Engineering, How Society Shapes Technology, Robert Pool [ 2 ]. Chapter 4, Complexity, Beyond Engineering, How Society Shapes Technology, Robert Pool

Executive Summary for Computer Business Assignment

Executive Summary for Computer Business - Assignment Example The target market of Computer Heaven will be computer enthusiasts of all ages. It will also compete in the business to business market segment. The computer enthusiasts of all age shall be composed of end users at home and gamers. The business will also focus on computer arcades where orders are in bulk not to mention that it needs maintenance which is also an aspect of Computer Heaven’s business. The business to business market segments are large companies that will order in scale due to the sheer size of company and its operation. This segment shall be the profit center of Computer Heaven due to the scalability of business in addition to the long-term prospect of the business. Also, business to business market segment is advantageous to Computer Heaven’s bottom line as it requires maintenance due to the heavy use of its computers allowing a perpetual generation of revenue for the company. The firm plans to use a customer intimacy model to increase the customer retention of the firm. The firm will also maintain good working relationships with other stakeholder groups such as employees, lenders, and suppliers. Computer Heaven will differentiate itself from competition by delivering exceptional and consistent customer service and after sales technical support that will cultivate long-term relationship from its clients. Customer relation shall be the main driver of the company’s business for various reasons. First, it will discourage existing clients from considering competitors and second, it is more cost efficient to cultivate relationship with existing clients than to attract new clients. Pricing shall be used also as leverage in maintaining relationship with customers by offering discounts at an already lowered price in addition to an unparalleled customer service and after sales technical support. Computer Heaven will be enabled to offer

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Siddhartha Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Siddhartha - Essay Example Theoretically, it is a justified and beautiful allegory of man's inner desire for peace and rebirth. It greatly shows the eternal oneness of man with his environment. Calvin (1996) asserted that Siddhartha is the best of Hermann Hesse's outstanding collection of work. De Rossi (1999) described Siddhartha as poetic, vibrant and extremely captivating resulting to a work of pure and inconceivable art. The Indian tale, Siddhartha, is the story of the spiritual awakening of an Indian man born from a wealthy Brahmin family. He was exposed to the extremities of man's wanting made of lust and greed and thus, he decided to leave his family and wealth to gain freedom to do whatever he likes. This stubbornness resulted to a child born out of wedlock. Yet, these material illusions caused by Siddhartha's desire to enjoy life have bored him and out of despair, he came to a river. He then heard a peculiar sound which signaled his enlightenment. This marked a new life for him, a life with inner peace and wisdom, which he never knew he had been wanting for a long time. As a young man blessed with intelligence and charm, he first believed that the true meaning of life was using his assets to live life to the fullest. In his quest for spiritual enlightenment, he wandered, hoping to eventually find what he was looking for. Then, he met a ferryman who was sitting in the shade of a banyan tree, listening to the sound of a river. The ferryman was believed by many natives as a sage but in fact, he was once a wandering shramana and a follower of Gotama, the Buddha. Siddhartha, on the other hand, was not a follower of Buddha. He grew up following his own desires without being enraptured by anyone's sermons but himself. Yet, after a long quest for truth and satisfaction, he later found what he was looking for. The ferryman and the friendships he gained in his quest has greatly helped him search his path. Neither did he found it in material things nor in other person's wealth. He found his true self, uncovered by the light of his own spirit. Overall, the book Siddhartha comprises of a mutual combination of man's angst and selfishness. It teaches life-earned lessons Siddhartha learned himself in his journey for inner peace. It is a superbly written spiritual quest. Theoretically, Siddhartha represents an ordinary man of today born with almost every material gift life has to offer. Yet, in his maturity, he later finds out that an enlightened path of life is not taught nor practiced. It is earned through experience. Hence, one has to experience years of the sorrows and joys of life before he finds what he was really searching for. Since the plot is set on India, it is a moral metaphor of Indian theology. The story, itself, depicts man's mystery of loneliness and discontent. It metaphorically shows how the protagonist goes through the various stages of life in order to gain enlightenment and complete rebirth. The happiness he later earned was the result of the complexities he earned

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 5

Marketing - Essay Example The main purpose of corporate strategy is to find ways to optimize the current business portfolios of a firm and how this can be changed to meet the stakeholder’s changing interests (Sudi,2003). An organization or a firm will have numerous business and operations ranging from a single industry to multiple industries. Hence, the corporate strategy can not be developed without integrating the various business strategies of a firm. Overall objectives and aims of an organization are formulated based on the overall functions and operations of an organization. Any corporate strategy that is developed without taking into account the various operations or businesses will fail to achieve the overall organizational objectives and aims. Also the goals and objectives of an organization must not be isolated but must be designed in a manner to achieve the vision of the organization, and must be interrelated. The corporate strategy is aimed at achieving this vision (Gallagher, 2010). Four ke y dimensions Asking the right question would determine the dimension of a well –developed business strategy. ... This key dimension determines the role of an organization in the market, the type and kind of products that they must put out or the type of service that is intended to be provided to the customers. What? To achieve a pre-dedicated objective and aim, what are the measures that must be undertaken must be seriously focused for the final goal achievement. This must include intervention from all aspects of the business and must involve the inclusion of role of newer technology, competition, the effect of globalization, the customers demand, the demographic trends and health care sector in terms of organizational staff well being. Hence the â€Å"what† answers the key portion of the plan. Who? Putting the right person to the job is as important measure in attainment of targets through proper guidance and leadership role. The leadership spectrum ranges from individual reasoning like planning, analysis, monitoring, evaluation and control. And these can be achieved through experience within an organization. The second feature that an employer must have is emotions that determine the quality of the person in terms of crisis. Hence the answer must be formulated on who would do the specific job and gain results for the organization. How? The execution of the plan must be addressed with this part of the question. All previously planned goals must be implemented for the achievement of objective and aims set by the organization. For this to happen six key supporting features must always be part of implementation process, which are ongoing actions planning, organization structure, development of human resource, the annual plan, monitoring and control and a overall linkage that combines all aspects of the implementation. An

Friday, July 26, 2019

Mid-term question Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Mid-term question - Assignment Example The two main factors that many authors have identified to affect the United States national security have been the non-state actors and the transnational organizational crimes. Non-state actors refer to organizations that have power and influence on both national and international level. The non-state actors do not associate themselves with any particular state. According to Hough, in his book â€Å"Understanding the global security† he discusses the non-state actors and the trouble and turmoil they have caused to many states around the globe for many years.1 Hough identifies non-state actors as the major issue that has threatened the global security.2 The national security of the United States has been affected by the emerging non-state actors around the globe. Most of these non-state actors are military-oriented thus being referred to as non-state military groups. The most common non-state military groups include nationalists, religious groups with strong beliefs, Marxist, fascist and armed pressure groups. The United States has fallen victims of some of these groups such as nationalists, religious groups such as Christianity and Islam and armed p ressure groups. According to Hough, these non-state actors have impacted the national security of the United States negatively by killing the American people, destroying the Americans property.3 This has led to the destabilization of the United States government since it exposes the security loop holes and the incompetence of the leaders. The United States gained its independent through the battles fought by the nationalists, and they gained the independence. The spirit of nationalism has never died in the United States, and this poses a threat to the national security. The religious groups such as Islam and Christianity related have affected the security of the United States and caused a

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Reflective journal on management skills Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Reflective journal on management skills - Article Example A manager ought to be both a leader and a motivator. Before acting, a manager ought to consider the adverse effects her actions will have on both the immediate task at hand and the organization at large. A manager must always remember that the greatest asset in the organization is the people working there. In this instant scenario, the lead counselor dismissed the counselor’s ideas in a contemptuous manner that showed an inadequate possession of ‘people skills’. This is why the event occurred. This event is a good learning experience as it showed me how not to deal with employees when I become a manager. Employees need to feel appreciated. Reflecting on the scenario above, I have come to realize that even though as a manager I will have the final say on whatever action has to be taken, I need to be a good listener. This is especially crucial when I am listening to input that I personally consider as being worth nothing. This will change the way I interact with my staff. I don’t have to reject an idea in a manner that will leave the employee feeling worthless. I can do it in a better way. I have realized that employees being human, I need to respect their emotions. LaMalfa (2007, pg1) observes that â€Å"research shows that emotionally connected employees are the best employees because they are engaged and productive, and they feel validated and appreciated†. I need to make my employees appreciated so that I may be a good team leader. To achieve this I need to be more open and receptive to ideas from others especially those I consider my subordinates. This is because I am not perfect and the best ideas sometimes come from ‘subordinates’. Developing a teamwork attitude is perhaps the best way to achieve this transformation as I will then be seeing myself as being part of such ideas and won’t feel intimidated when a subordinate proposes changes to my ideas or even better ideas than mine. LaMalfa, K., 2007, The

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Process Analysis Essay on Coming into Language Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 6

Process Analysis on Coming into Language - Essay Example Supporting arguments and claims in a text using evidence from a book is important whenever an author presents a text. However, in the essay, the author does not provide any evidence from the original text. Although there are assertions and claims made concerning events that happened in the life of Baca, there is no evidence in dictating that the author drew reference from the actual text read. In most cases, a book could have a number of prints, or different editions; others could have different versions. This necessitates reference to the book used while drawing the conclusions of the essay. However, this aspect does not appear in this essay. Although the audience can identify with the text, while others could have read the book, directing them to the actual cited pages is important in order to make clear of their ideas. Quoting an actual text not only gives evidence of the author’s text but also makes their arguments stronger. Although the essay uses quotes from the actual t ext as evidence of the arguments raised, the lack of pagination of these quotes makes them irrelevant. By using direct quotes from the actual text, it makes it possible for the audience to make a quick reference of that text to the actual text. Anybody reading a text and wants to draw reference to the actual text used, the direct quotes give them guidance to the actual page numbers used in the text. However, the failure of the author in this essay to include page numbers of the quoted texts makes the quotes invalid. For instance, a reader who would wish to draw reference to â€Å"their language was the magic that could liberate me from myself, transform me into another person† and â€Å"reading was a waste of time, and nothing could be gained by it† as quoted in para (2) would hardly find them due to the missing page numbers. Further, â€Å"island rising beneath† and â€Å"like the back of a whale† in para (3) have no pagination as well. Subsequently, the audience would have to read the entire book in order to find these particular quotes. The flow of ideas in a text in most cases determines the perception of the audience about the particular text. Ideas that flow in a logical and sequential manner makes it interesting for the audience to read. By chronologically presenting arguments, an author shows the conception of the idea, its maturity and later the conclusion. Additionally, an author could draw recommendations from the text (Tanselle 20). However, a text organized in a haphazard manner lacks a captivating aspect, making them hard to read. The essay does not have a proper flow of ideas and chronology of events, something that makes it difficult for the audience to follow. While the author narrates about the events that happened to Baca after his release from prisomn in para (3), he later goes back to the time of his prison the fourth paragraph. Such a presentation could confuse the audience, thus making them hate the actual tex t. The essay, though shallow in the analysis, reveals the book to be an inspiring piece (para 1). Further, it hints that the story is about a character and the actual author who learnt to read and write while in jail (para 1).  

Business Information Systems Case Study Report Bognor Marine Essay

Business Information Systems Case Study Report Bognor Marine Watercraft - Essay Example Just because of the luxury element of the brand, some of these products are even purchased by non boat owners. Recently the brand has received significant media attention as several high profile celebrities have bought BMW boats. The owners of BMW desire to exploit this new opportunity and after holding several strategy meetings, they have recognized the potential areas for investment. Prior to creating their development plans, the investors and bank have asked a third party management industry to make a companywide evaluation, so that they can invest in the industry when it is officially deemed viable. One of the features that the bank looks for is the capacity for the organization to make quick progress in a competitive market. BMW basically comprises nine departments, which are: warehousing, manufacturing, human resource, finance, sales, marketing, design team and support departments. Warehousing departments take care of each delivery made by dealers with regard to raw materials a nd specific equipment that the industry purchases. Manufacturing departments give necessary instructions to suppliers for resources as and when required by the organization. The HR department runs full time and in order to be more effective and efficient the same jobs are assigned among two individuals. The team utilizes skills which are complicated to replace and this thus proves to be the biggest strength of the organization. In order to counter possible loss of skills BMW makes use of the apprentice method. However, the communication among the finance department of BMW and its employees is seen to be poor, this resulting in several mistakes that could be avoided if there were improved sharing of information. In the case of sales department, the manager is based in the major office and has responsibility for mainly two lines of actions. The sales personnel are field based and are dependable for the sale of BMW’s better volume manufactured ancillaries to various national dea lers. One sales individual is based at the office and he or she is responsible for the sale of the craft. Due to the price and nature of the luxury craft, customers pay great attention to details and will discuss at length the available features and choices of the craft. Marketing departments of BMW include mainly two people for exhibitions, design and additional marketing tasks containing campaign management. They work widely with third party experts who are trusted partners in the business. The distribution department consists mainly of four people. The important area of responsibility is the delivery of the better volume goods supplied to chandlers, luxury stores. Design team of the BMW includes several boat architects and contract designers. The support staffs of the company include two managers, secretaries, cleaners and drivers. BMW requires modifying and adopting information systems for a quality management. â€Å"An information system is a collection of hardware, software, data, people and procedures that are designed to generate information that supports the day-to-day, short-range, and long-range activities of users in an organization† (Types of Information Systems 2000). These are categorized into five types, namely: office information systems, management information systems, transaction processing systems, expert systems and decision support systems. Every organization requires information system

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Persuasive reseach paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Persuasive reseach paper - Essay Example If a person goes against the nature or predetermined notions linked to the dog’s breed, it is an obvious phenomenon to face the negative reaction from that creature. In this context, judging the dog or any other animal as vicious or even dangerous does not qualify. The owner is somehow responsible for the dog’s negative reaction and not the guiltless animal. Before keeping a dog as a pet, the owner must read and research about that breed of dog. If there are certain factors which may hinder with the natural priorities of the dog, the owner should dismiss the idea of keeping it. The food requirements, living requirements, taming needs as well as attention requirements differ from one breed of dog to the other. Pit Bull dogs are not born to fight but they are tamed and motivated to do so. The recent incident where owner was accused of malnourishment of the Pit Bull dogs is linked to the NFL star Michael Vick. Vick has been found guilty of being cruel with animals when Pit Bull dogs were observed to be mistreated in his territory. The pit Bull dogs are observed to be wounded by fighting and were found to be half-starved. They were not taken care as was observed by their health and apparent condition. Vick was also accused of burying Pit Bulls on his property that lost their lives due to extremely violent fighting wounds. The example of Vick’s cruelty is evident in explaining how dogs are misused and misguided to perform cruel acts. It is obviously not the dog’s will to fight and get those serious wounds but for the entertainment and pleasure of the owner, the dogs are tamed to do such vicious acts. It should be noted that 47 Pit Bulls were saved from Vick’s property and 45 of them were rehabilitated effectively. One of the remaining 2 was euthanized for health risking factors and the other because of

Monday, July 22, 2019

To Sir, With Love by E. R. Braithewaite Essay Example for Free

To Sir, With Love by E. R. Braithewaite Essay In his novel, To Sir, With Love, E. R. Braithewaite traces the course of his relationship with his unruly charges, as a teacher in a rough school in London. I think Braithewaite was a resounding success, as he progressed from a new blackie teacher to Sir, with Love, as he moulded the lives of his students and played a role model to them. When he first met the students, he was faced with disobedience and hostility. They were indifferent to his attempts to integrate himself with them, and make them like him. I think they did not really cared about respecting Braithewaite as they imagined him to be as a transient as his predecessors. They mentioned him only briefly (and yet made a pointed reference to his race) in their weekly reviews. I do not think it was really their fault: they had had so many inept teachers in the past; they did not have any high expectation for Braithewaite Another (Hackman). Braithewaite went through three phases in his relationship with the students the noisy, silent and bawdy phases, all increasing in aggression. Matters came to a head one day as someone burnt a sanitary napkin in the class room, in what I believe was an act of testing the waters they were trying to see how far they could push Braithewaite. That incident was the turning point for Braithewaite as he reprimanded the students, I think he realised that trying to be their friend would not work, Instead he decided to be firm with them, not asking, but demanding, respect. One hurdle that he had to overcome was the students social background. They had been poorly fed, clothed and housed, in places where the breadwinner was chronically unemployed. Their neighbourhood was infested with social vermin. These children, I think, had never had any satisfactory father or role models that they could look up to. This, combined with their ingrained prejudice, made them feel that Braithewaite would be another Hackman who by all accounts gave the children too much rope. Braithewaite had to realise that they came from homes where order was often accomplished by a blow and in school where corporal punishment was banned, that he had to be strict in order to earn their respects. His first triumph was his success in imposing unfamiliar social codes on the children. By having them call each other Sir and Miss, I think he showed them a glimpse of what they could become well mannered, courteous young adults. Braithewaite quickly realised that lessons, unless they could relate to the students lives were of no use to the children. So he related the subjects and tailored the lessons to suit the children and in this way, he showed them that the purpose of education was the development of the students thinking and reasoning. In this way, Braithewaite gained the respect of the ringleaders of the children, except Denham. I think he finally grew up in their eyes as he beat Denham, a symbol for triumphing over adversity. I feel in the end, physical force was needed to win over the children, and it speaks volumes about their social background. After the boxing incident, Braithewaite became aware of in important change in his own attitude towards them. Whilst earlier his aim was to gain employment, not rally caring about the students, he now found himself liking them, collectively and singly and therefore more interested in their welfare and moral values. The trip to the museum brought out the best in the children, as they came scrubbed, combed, brushed and shining. I think the children finally had a hope of redemption, as they went on with their best behaviour, surprising and delighting Braithewaite. He now begins to identify himself with them, calling them my class and mentioning that they had become a part of him. But this brought in a new complication Pamela Dare. A girl with only scruffy, untidy men to look up to, she quickly develops a crush on the big, broad and handsome Braithewaite, but I think her crush was not more than a yearning for a father figure. Both Pamela and her mother respected Braithewaite enough to ask for his advice on family matter. Braithewaite, on his part, is careful and conscious of his limits with Pamela he treats her like any other student and without being too intrusive, he guides her and her mother. Barbara Peggs mother, on the other hand, was not so tolerant. Bluntly refusing him a room to lodge, on the grounds of his colour, she changes her mind only because her daughter, horrified at her behaviour, wanted her to apologise. But Braithewaite sees this, also, as a triumph. He knows hes gotten through to Barbara. He had taught her tolerance and the essential humanities. One person who seems not to have the essential humanities is Mr. Weston. He is deeply prejudiced against the children and their background and so is a contrast to Braithewaite. He calls his students snotty little tarts and blithe spirits and always claims that he is only a teacher for the money, and in this he is a marked contrast to Braithewaite. E.R. Braithwaite was truly a remarkable teacher in the way he changed his student attitudes and perceptions to the world around them, and their behaviour and outlook in general. They had, in only a year, progressed from being unruly, rude and out of hand to responsible, polite and mature adults with their whole future ahead of them, and all due to him. I feel that he was the best teacher they could have possibly had and he deserved to be called Sir, With Love.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Representation In Wag The Dog

Representation In Wag The Dog The movie entitle Wag the Dog was about the way in which media plays a significant role as regards to the president of America in a political trouble, having been accused with the issue of sexual misconduct, the obstacle occurred two week to election. However as an object of getting the president re-elected, the presidential advisers Conrad Brean (played by Robert De Niro) a political spin doctor together with Winifred Ames (Anne Heche) the secretary, who was ask for help to engineer a way and means to divert the news of scandal, Leading to contact the expertise of Hollywood producer Stanley Motts (played by Dustin Hoffman) a specialist in such savage. As we can see that, the sitting was dark and mysterious as Conrad recommend untruth contradiction of imaginary crisis and Conrad assign Motts to construct a patriotic cam paign centered around war in Albania, just too make sure they distract American away from the focus of the political misconduct from the real issue. With help of media manipulation techniques that America is at war with Albanian. Motts like any class of person in this they age, can only dream of the recognition and honor that he will receive for the master piece he will surely create, not knowing that, this narcissistic behavior will lead to his demise. In the other hand we can see that, in our contemporary society conspiracies like this goes in everyday life where people can eventually used you to achieve their goal, and also dump you. However, the plan of Conrad suggesting Albanian was not anything more than choosing a country that was insignificant, unknown and not of any affairs to America, for that reason is ti dy. As stated in the movie, Anne Heche the secretary to Conrad says that she knows nothing and in response Conrad says, They seem shifty, standoffish this shows his fickleness of choosing Albania. Conrads reply to the assistant is not dissimilar to the present day definition of a bully, where the bullies in school pick on the weaker children, in this context America is the bully as they are picking on Albanian. It is blatant to observe that Conrad and Motts had the same ideology in creating a war to divert the controversy away from the public. As the saying states, Great minds think alike and birds of a feather flock together. As any other politician in our contemporary society, Conrad knows how to play the game as he offers Motts a position of being an ambassador, however Motts wants to do it for the fun of it. This shows how manipulative a politician can be to get/her way by mentioning ways of giving them a reward which in this case was the position of an ambassador. However, whatever politicians say may not always be true, as in their line of work; they always spin the truth to favour themselves. Conrad uses spin and promises of rewards to motivate Motts to inspire him to produce his fake war. From this, we can see say that Conrad is referred to as the presidents spin doctor because the president relies on Conrad to diffuse the situation and limit the damage caused by the allegation, cem enting Conrad, relationship with the president. We can see that during the building of the war, Motts uses a young America inspiring to be an actress to play the role of an Albanian girl. In the construction of the scene to re-enact a war zone, the girl was holding a bag of chips instead of the specified white kitten requested by Motts. The bag of chips is very significant in this story as the white kitten was later edited into the scene using power of modern technology. We can see that, this is a testament to and a great example of the ability of the media representation to broadcast a story, with accompanying video footage in which the public takes as real, and not knowing that what the media does report is dam lies but not of this is the truths. It makes it shows clearly to us how easy it is to play around with images using modern technology without the publics knowledge. Also the white kitten that was edited in the scene is to signify innocence, peace and purity onto the public and make them more interested in the lost girl at war and not the presidents sex scandal. We can already see how the media quickly changes peoples minds into another dramatic concern at hand, similar in our contemporary culture where we get saturated into certain advertisement, such as an advert for Disneyland where we live in a hyperreal world and both realities of the media and the real world are blurred in as one. Furthermore, we can also see another signs of media representation is been shown within the movie where Conrad and Anne are having a conversation with a CIA agent claiming that the Albanian war is all a hoax. We can see how Conrad spins and twists the information on the CIA agent to change the whole statement convincing him that the war is real. In the other hand, we can see another side of Anne as she retreats in her involvement with the operation, showing cowardice as she know the penalties that she may face. Also another sign of innocence, peace and purity was shown during the producing of the war where a young Albanian girl offers the president an offering, of help her and her mother. At the same time, the president offers his coat to the young girls mother to indicate that he is given her shelter and sympathize towards her emotions due her suffering in the war. This implies that the fake war has immediate be graded as victory and also the talk of the city and not the president s o-called sexual misconduct with the girl scout. And this is so common in our contemporary culture with media representation, for instance, when an advert is been displayed on television by advertisers, the actual meaning is undermined, thus making an embellishment of the truth and reality associated with the reason of the advert, the media image makes the advertisement look realer than it is, just to arrest the intelligence of the populace so as to gain money or proper attention from them. So therefore, that is why Motts always stated in the movie that, This is nothing connoting that as a film producer, one is to be prepared for mishaps that may occurred in the line of producing and find ways to develop the original idea to convince the public that the war is still alive. The way in which he says, this is nothing, he ways was very calm about it as he knew what he was doing being a Holly film producer, similar to how Hollywood producers would act in the present day. He named it as Act Two where we witness the development of the war hero Schumann. The music used in the movie has both a military tune and a national tune. By a military tune, it is that it has a 2 by 4 rhythm signifying that the military are marching onto war or during war as shown at the begging of the movie and during Schumanns funeral. This gives the impression of hard looking and fierce men with their chest out and shoulder upright and also being tidy. At the same time, there is a national tune that is sung by a choir similar to the style to the song of the late Michael Jackson with various artists known as We are the world. This connotes the patriotism that is reveal through the songs. This is done to make the public fall in love, affect their emotions and feel proud to be an American as well as to make them forget about the sex scandal controversy. During Schumanns funeral, as the casket is being carried off by other soldiers, there is a dog planted to portray the loyalty and faithfulness that the dog has towards Schumann. As the funeral takes place, Motts feels uneasy he wanted to expose all the truth hence the phrase, let the cat out of the bag as he wanted to expose all that happened and celebrate his skill at the realism and effectiveness of his deception in fooling the public, the spin doctor Conrad order his men to execute Motts as he was going to expose the ugly truth, this shows us, how the game is played and the extreme measure taken in politics in order to wad the dog. We can clearly how Conrad used Motts to produce his war and when he was no longer required he was disposed of. This shows how manipulative Conrad was when necessary and any spin doctor will do what it takes to create the agreed version of the truth by any means necessary. It is better to keep a secret than to let it out because one cannot trust anyone b ut especially in this case, politicians as they can be unreliable. However, from the above starting of the film there was this passage that states; why does the dog wag its tail? It is implies that, a dog is smarter than its tail, but if the tail were smarter, the tail would wag the dog. Therefore the tail symbolizes persons that have power over the media, and the dog that allow itself to wagged through its own tail is representing the United state citizens. In conclusion to this movie, the term wag the dog and content of this movie means to purposely deflect attention away from something that is very important to that of less significant. This is exactly how the media and politics operate in this day in age. The politician uses the media as the vehicle to catapult insignificant events and stories into mainstream public knowledge, in the hope of burying the real and important issue, which the public should be focusing on.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Funeral Homes Studies: Overcharging

Funeral Homes Studies: Overcharging Running head: FUNERAL HOMES Abstract The overcharging of consumers by funeral homes was investigated to prove to consumers that they are being overcharged, and to show them some ways to avoid being overcharged. The goal was to show precisely when the funeral homes are taking advantage of the consumer, and to show that consumers need to be aware that funeral homes have more than one way of taking advantage of them and overcharging them in large amounts. The effects of this severe problem were determined by looking over a law that has been put into place to subdue the crime, ways the crime is committed, and also an interview that was conducted to gather information on one of many alternatives to using the traditional funeral service. There are many alternatives to the traditional funeral; most people just dont know where to learn about them. Funeral Homes: The Overcharging For Services and Distrust Behind It It is not easy to lose a loved one. In addition, it is not always easy for a person to find out how much it is going to cost them and their family to give their loved one the proper burial they deserve. During the time of grieving, the family of the deceased is not really concerned with the costs of the funeral, for all they are looking for is a proper burial or funeral ceremony for their loved one. The cost of a typical funeral in the United States in 1983 was around $2,500.00 (Darmstadter, 1983). Solomon (n.d.) states that â€Å"the average funeral in the United States costs $6,500, according to the National Funeral Directors Association. The true sum can easily reach $10,000 once a burial plot, flowers and other costs are included, the AARP says.† This price is from around 2004; consumers need to be aware that the prices are steadily rising, and that if they dont watch out for those funeral homes that try to get more money out of them, they could end up losing thousands mor e dollars than is necessary to spend on a funeral service. The crime of funeral homes taking advantage of consumers has been around for many years, and in 1984 The Funeral Rule was put into place in order to put a stop to it. â€Å"On September 24, 1982, the FTC published a ruling known in the Federal Register as the Funeral Rule† (Schwartz, Jolson, Lee, 1986). â€Å"Under the Rule, the FTC mandates that funeral homes allow customers to buy only those things they choose† (Mark, n.d.). Many people do not realize that during these times of vulnerability, the funeral home they have trusted the care of their loved one with, could be taking advantage of them; overcharging them for already expensive services. Funeral homes are overcharging consumers while they are grieving for the loss of a loved one. Funeral homes are overcharging consumers for their services. They are taking advantage of them while they are most vulnerable in an emotionally distraught state as they are preoccupied in grieving for the loss of a loved one, and when they are in a hurry to plan a funeral for a sudden death. Funeral homes have several ways of overcharging consumers, and two of the most prominent ways they do this is by teaming up with hospice care centers and by quoting the wrong prices if they will even quote them at all. Discussion Taking advantage of vulnerability. The funeral homes of America take advantage of the bereaved when they are most vulnerable. One of the most common times that a funeral home will take advantage of the bereaved is when they are in the middle of grieving, trying to set up a funeral while they are emotionally distraught. Schlozman and La Grand (1985) state that â€Å"death in a family is a personal, emotional experience that can have long term emotional and physical consequences for survivors (cited in Butler, 2007, p. 95). Funeral directors look for the best chance that they can get to get a grieving person to agree to buy something or to set up an expensive funeral; while the bereaved are emotionally distraught, which is mostly in the beginning of the funeral planning process, is when this happens the most. Many funeral directors will say that funeral homes are not taking advantage of consumers when they are â€Å"most vulnerable,† they are simply taking the necessary steps to make sure that the consumer gets what they need and what they ask for so as to get the funeral done in the most complete way possible. When a consumer is preoccupied in grieving for the loss of a loved one, they may be emotionally distraught and kind of out of their norm, however this does not mean that all funeral directors are low enough to take advantage of consumers. Most funeral directors deal with so many emotional people everyday they are at their workplace, that most of them know what it is like for a person to fe el the way they do therefore they will not go out of their way to take advantage of them for that little bit of extra money. As one can see, this is clearly not the case. Funeral homes overcharge consumers while they are grieving for the loss of a loved one at times when they are most vulnerable, and with pre-planning, this can be partly eliminated. The funeral homes of America also take advantage of the bereaved when they are in a hurry to get the funeral set up. There is not much time between when a person passes away, and the time the funeral needs to be set up and followed through with. â€Å"Most of the major decisions regarding funeral arrangements must be made within 24-48 hours (Sommer, Nelson, and Hoyt, 1985). Many people do not know that their loved one is going to pass on when they do, so they are in a frantic hurry to get the funeral set up and that is what gets them into such a bind with the funeral homes taking advantage of and overcharging them. One thing that a person who is in a hurry to set up a funeral typically does is calls funeral homes in their area asking for price quotes. When a person uses the phone to contact funeral homes about prices, they can â€Å"compare prices among funeral providers,† this may eventually help them to decide which funeral home and arrangement they would like to consider (USA Funeral Homes Online, 1999). Also, when a person is in a hurry to set up a funeral for a loved one, it is advised that they gather â€Å"price lists† from some of the funeral homes in their area â€Å"to compare pricing and options† (Wilke, 2005). Mark (n.d.) states that â€Å"the funeral rule also requires that GPLs (â€Å"General Price Lists†) list the prices of up to 16 items if they are services that the funeral home offers. . . .† If a person were to go around to funeral homes in their area, a general price list is a good tool that the funeral homes are required to give them, so t hey know the prices, thus promoting smart decision making, and the possibility of preventing being overcharged and taken advantage of. It is often though that when a consumer has a sudden death in the family and they are in a hurry to plan a funeral, most funeral directors are not going out of their way to overcharge them to get that little bit of extra money. They may indeed be overcharging them; however, they may simply be charging the prices they do because they want to be sure to get the consumer everything that they need since the process is so hurried in this type of situation. These thoughts are obviously not relevant because, as one can see, if the funeral directors were as caring as they make them seem, they would give any unused money back to the consumer when the funeral is all said and done. Shopping around for the best priced funeral home, and ignoring any suggestions given by hospice care centers, could be one of the most important ways for a consumer to greatly decrease the chance of being overcharged. Funeral homes overcharge consumers while they are grieving for the loss of a loved one, at times whe n they are in a hurry to plan a funeral for a sudden death, and with pre-planning and smart decision making, this can be partly eliminated. Teaming up with hospice care centers. Consumers need to be aware that funeral homes have different ways of overcharging them. One of the main ways this happens is when funeral homes go together with hospice care centers. The Hospice Patients Alliance (n.d.) states that: One of the major scams committed by such rogue hospices is to refer the family to one particular funeral home, if they havent made arrangements beforehand with another funeral home. The funeral home then charges their very highest rates for funeral home services and the family has no idea that they have been scammed, because they trust the â€Å"compassionate† hospice people. If individuals go to that funeral home directly inquiring about charges for funeral services, they get offered discounted rates, but hospice referrals get charged the highest rates. When funeral homes team up with hospice care centers, they can overcharge consumers large amounts of money, and they can do it very discreetly. Many people would not suspect a hospice care center to refer them to a high priced funeral home; this is why consumers need to be aware that this could happen. Consumers need to be aware that shopping around for a funeral home with the best prices is one of the best things they can do to prevent being overcharged, even if a hospice care center that their family trusts recommends a funeral home, or they are pressed with time and any other issue that may come their way. The Hospice Patients Alliance (n.d.) states that â€Å"you do not have to use the funeral home â€Å"recommended† by a hospice. They should not be recommending any funeral homes that is a decision for you to make, not the hospice.† Many funeral directors will say that funeral homes may indeed be teaming up with hospice care centers in being sure that the funeral ho me will have a steady flow of business on account of the recommendations given by the hospice care centers; but this does not mean that they are doing it to overcharge the consumers. They may in fact be doing this simply to help the family eliminate the hassle of finding a funeral home and going through the process of looking for price quotes, etc. This is clearly not the case as one can see, simply because if funeral directors were as caring as they seem, they would not be trying to get consumers away from looking for price quotes and things like that, they would help them find the funeral home they are looking for, or be sure to accommodate their needs as best they can. Also, if a funeral home has that much trouble getting business, something needs to be done, and that funeral home should probably be looked at as a fraud. Funeral homes overcharge consumers while they are grieving for the loss of a loved one. Many people do not realize that it may not only be the funeral home that is in on the scam; hospice care centers play a major role in this deception of the consumers also. Quoting the wrong prices. Another quite common way that funeral homes overcharge consumers is by quoting the wrong prices over the phone, or not quoting any at all. There are many people that are pressed for time when it comes down to planning a funeral, and most of them resort to calling funeral homes to inquire about prices. What many people do not realize, is that the funeral homes may not be giving them the right price quote, and many of them quickly find out that the funeral home may not give them a price quote at all. The reason that some funeral homes do not give any price quotes at all, would be so they could adjust the prices accordingly to each and every funeral they conduct. â€Å"The funeral home is required to give you a free copy of the price list when you visit. Its also required to tell you its prices over the phone. If a funeral director refuses to do so, suggesting instead that you come in for an appointment, That should be a warning sign, Slocum says† (Block, 2006). Many consumers do not know this important piece of information. The laws that regulate the funeral homes of America are not posted around the nation as are the everyday laws that the people of America are required to follow. This is why, when shopping around for a well priced funeral home; consumers need to be aware of the laws so as to catch the hints that are thrown at them. The hints that should make them think that perhaps they should not trust some funeral homes that they have come in contact with. When a person that is frantically trying to set up a funeral calls a funeral home, they do not expect to be taken advantage of and overcharged because most Americans would agree that this is a very serious business, and that most every funeral home should be trustworthy. However, that is not the case. When consumers are calling funeral homes over the phone, they need to be aware of the potential dangers that it entails. Common thought of consumers is that when a consumer contacts a funeral home over the phone seeking quotes on prices for their services, the funeral directors may quote the wrong prices; this does not mean that is what will be charged. Many funeral directors care enough to provide the consumers only with what they need or would like to have for the funeral, so the prices they quote may only be a ball-park figure for the general funeral service. When a funeral home does not quote a price at all, this may be to eliminate the problem of quoting the wrong prices, or even to eliminate competition between them and other funeral homes. Consumers may be frustrated by this, but in all reality this may be something that could help them because if they went with a funeral home that does not quote a price, they may actually end up spending less money than they would at a funeral home that quoted a price that was too high. The thoughts are clearly irrelevant because if funeral homes were quoting ball-park figures, they would most likely state that the prices they are giving are ball park. Also, if a funeral home does not quote a price at all and others do, it is most obvious that they are planning on giving prices when the funeral is over with so as to inflate the prices and not be detected. Funeral homes overcharge consumers while they are grieving for the loss of a loved one. If consumers are aware of the potential dangers of calling funeral homes for price quotes, and the laws that are supposed to regulate them, this could greatly decrease the risk of being overcharged. Ways to avoid being overcharged. There are many things that can be done for a person to prevent being overcharged when they are working with a funeral home to set up a funeral. The most prominent of all alternatives is full body organ donation, which many people participate in. As Carol Wright (personal communication, February 29, 2008) described, full body organ donation is when a person chooses to donate their entire body to an organization of choice before they die. When they die, the organization will pick up their body from wherever they are, and ship them to where the body will be used. After the organization is done using the body for all intents and purposes, they cremate it and send the remains to a family member for a $25.00 shipping fee. Another well-known alternative to being overcharged by a funeral is by using traditional organ donation. This will give the family time to plan the funeral as the hospital or some other form of medical personnel removes the organ(s) the deceased has agreed to donate after death, thus slimming the possibility of being overcharged by the funeral home because it gives the family time to look around and find the best prices available to them. One good thing about organ donation is that there have been, for the families of people who donate while they are alive and after they have died, some â€Å"financial and health care-related reimbursement incentives widely debated† (Boulware, Troll, Wang, Powe, 2006). Many people dont realize that without these alternatives, nearly every person in the United States would be taken advantage of at some time or another by a funeral home. The Federal Trade Commission (2000) stated that: To relieve their families of some of these decisions, an increasing number of people are planning their own funerals, designating their own funeral preferences, and sometimes even paying for them in advance. They see funeral planning as an extension of will and estate planning. If someone in a family dies, and there has been no planning for a funeral whatsoever, the family members that are to do the planning for the funeral are left in a bind. If a person plans their own funeral, the surviving family is left with â€Å"the precedent, information and moral support needed to get the type of service it wants† (Bender, 1974). To eliminate funeral homes taking advantage of and overcharging the bereaved, as The Federal Trade Commissions and Bender state, a person should think about planning their own funeral so that it is set in stone, and the surviving family has much less of a chance of being pressured into meaningless spending while they are most vulnerable. Funeral homes are overcharging consumers while they are grieving for the loss of a loved one. Review Major issues. There have been two major issues discussed in this writing about how funeral homes overcharge consumers; the first being that many funeral homes take advantage of consumers when they are most vulnerable. There were two times in which this happens quite often that were discussed here. The first is when consumers are tied up in grieving and pre-occupied with the whole funeral planning process, and getting things organized and followed through with. The second is when the consumer is pressed for time trying to plan a sudden funeral, and the funeral home takes this hurried process to their advantage. The second major issue discussed is that consumers need to be aware that funeral homes have different ways of overcharging them. There were two of the most common ways discussed here; the first being that funeral homes overcharge by teaming up with hospice care centers, and the second being that the funeral homes either quote the wrong prices over the phone, or in person, or they simply do not give prices at all, so as to inflate them accordingly with each and every funeral they conduct. Expenses. The most popular way for consumers to recognize the death of a loved one is to plan for a traditional funeral. Traditional funerals can be very costly, and often times not exactly what the consumer was looking for when it is all said and done. Most people would agree that the traditional funeral is the best way to go about putting a loved one to rest; however, when funeral homes are overcharging for these services that are already overpriced, it is hard for some consumers to follow through with it because of the fear of running out of money before it is all done with. Darmstadter (1983) stated that â€Å"the purchase of a funeral is the third largest single expenditure after a home and a car, that many of us will ever have to make.† Alternatives to the traditional funeral service. There are many alternatives to the traditional funeral service, and the most prominent one of those is organ donation. Full body organ donation and traditional organ donation were discussed earlier in the writing. Full body organ donation is when a person has agreed to donate their body to science after thy have passed on. Traditional organ donation is when a person agrees to allow any of their organs that are useable, to be donated to another human being after they have passed on. These are two of the most prominent ways for consumers to avoid being overcharged by funeral homes; and they are used most commonly by people who did not do any pre-planning for their funeral. What many consumers do not realize is that these options are readily available to anyone who would like to take advantage of them; they are just not advertised since death is such a sheltered topic in the United States. Funeral homes are overcharging consumers while they are grieving for the loss of a loved one. When a consumer is looking around trying to plan a funeral, one of the best ways to avoid being taken advantage of is to be aware of what is happening, and how funeral homes are actually taking advantage of consumers, and what they can do to avoid being take advantage of. A solution to the problem of funeral homes taking advantage of consumers would be for the consumer to shop around for funeral prices and arrangements in advance when anticipating a funeral. Sure, not every person will have time to do this since not all deaths are anticipated; however, this problem will be greatly eliminated if those consumers who are anticipating the death do in fact plan the funeral ahead of time, so as to have the time to go around and shop for the best prices and have the funeral set up the way in which they so desire. Planning a funeral is can be an overwhelming time for the consumer; however, following the simple suggestions that have been given throughout this writing may in fact make the job a lot easier. People need to be aware that in times like these where life just seems like it is not worth living, life will go on. As long as consumers are aware of what is happening out there in the funeral service industry, and they plan for things ahead if possible, problems like these may be wholly eliminated all together.

Irving Washington, The History of New York Essay examples -- LIterary

Irving Washington was born in 1783 in New York into a large family where he was the youngest of eleven children. He started his career from a law office feeling that it was a job not to his heart content. Being light-hearted and sardonic in his nature he attempted to write for the journal of his brother Peter called â€Å"The Morning Chronicle†. Later Irving and Peter thought of creating a high-quality literary mockery. Originally the text intended nothing else but a satire upon the â€Å"Picture of New York† by Dr. Samuel Mitchell whose text was rather boastful of erudition and pedantry; however, it turned out to be different from the original perspective broadening the scope of interpretative thinking over to history and philosophy as two great narratives. The text was published December 6, 1809 in New York when Irving Washington was 26 and brought him considerable critical acclaim. Worth mentioning are the two timelines: the actual historical timeline of the story which embraces the first two decades of the XVII century. Literary selection suggested revolves around a historical episode of purchase of New York (namely Manhattan Island) from the Indians and further life of the Dutchmen. In 1626 Peter Menuit arrived at the colony called New Amsterdam to govern as well as take part in educational and religious activities of the settlers. The first priority for the governor to realize was a purchase of the Island of Manhattan. The estimated sum of transaction was twenty-four dollars, which Irving Washington calls â€Å"a measure almost unparalleled in the annals of discovery and colonization† (Tuttleton, 1993, p. 209-212). The second timeline is actually tangible through the author’s voice within the frame of narration, as he comes from two... ... The other side of the conflict is never articulated, thus suppressed, kept silent and, therefore, eliminated, which makes the entire concept of conflict as a productive means of history. Irving Washington wrote the text looking back two centuries. Apart from being a satire it deconstructs the concept of history by devaluation of the conflict via removal of one of its constituents or dehumanization of it which is one of the main implied themes of the story. Works Cited Aderman, Ralph. M. Critical Essays on Washington Irving. // John G. Lockhart. Review of Knickerbocker’s History of New York. G.K. Hall & Co., 1990. P. 50. Irving, Washington. A History of New York: Washington Irving: History, Tales and Sketches. NY: the Library of Congress, 1983. P. 449-55. Tuttleton, James W. Washington Irving: the Critical Reaction. AMS Press, 1993. P. 209-212. Irving Washington, The History of New York Essay examples -- LIterary Irving Washington was born in 1783 in New York into a large family where he was the youngest of eleven children. He started his career from a law office feeling that it was a job not to his heart content. Being light-hearted and sardonic in his nature he attempted to write for the journal of his brother Peter called â€Å"The Morning Chronicle†. Later Irving and Peter thought of creating a high-quality literary mockery. Originally the text intended nothing else but a satire upon the â€Å"Picture of New York† by Dr. Samuel Mitchell whose text was rather boastful of erudition and pedantry; however, it turned out to be different from the original perspective broadening the scope of interpretative thinking over to history and philosophy as two great narratives. The text was published December 6, 1809 in New York when Irving Washington was 26 and brought him considerable critical acclaim. Worth mentioning are the two timelines: the actual historical timeline of the story which embraces the first two decades of the XVII century. Literary selection suggested revolves around a historical episode of purchase of New York (namely Manhattan Island) from the Indians and further life of the Dutchmen. In 1626 Peter Menuit arrived at the colony called New Amsterdam to govern as well as take part in educational and religious activities of the settlers. The first priority for the governor to realize was a purchase of the Island of Manhattan. The estimated sum of transaction was twenty-four dollars, which Irving Washington calls â€Å"a measure almost unparalleled in the annals of discovery and colonization† (Tuttleton, 1993, p. 209-212). The second timeline is actually tangible through the author’s voice within the frame of narration, as he comes from two... ... The other side of the conflict is never articulated, thus suppressed, kept silent and, therefore, eliminated, which makes the entire concept of conflict as a productive means of history. Irving Washington wrote the text looking back two centuries. Apart from being a satire it deconstructs the concept of history by devaluation of the conflict via removal of one of its constituents or dehumanization of it which is one of the main implied themes of the story. Works Cited Aderman, Ralph. M. Critical Essays on Washington Irving. // John G. Lockhart. Review of Knickerbocker’s History of New York. G.K. Hall & Co., 1990. P. 50. Irving, Washington. A History of New York: Washington Irving: History, Tales and Sketches. NY: the Library of Congress, 1983. P. 449-55. Tuttleton, James W. Washington Irving: the Critical Reaction. AMS Press, 1993. P. 209-212.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Declaration of Independence Essay -- U.S. History

Children’s voice shouting in parades, spinning noise-makers, giant flags of red, white, and blue waving in every corner of the street, fireworks light up the night sky, friends and family gathering around with big smile on their faces; it is not somebody’s birthday nor it is an ordinary day. It is a true festival, a country’s birthday. The Fourth of July marks the anniversary of the glorious day in 1776 when America, as a new nation declared to the world its independence from monarchs. Because of the importance of this day, thus, the Declaration of Independence can be considered as one of the most influential documents in American History. Not only that, other organizations and countries have also adopted its manner and tones for their own documents or declarations, such as â€Å"Declaration of the Rights of Man† from France or the â€Å"Declaration of Sentiments† from the Women’s Right movement. After the Congress ratified the text on July Fourth, the Declaration of Independence had been issued in several forms. It was originally published as a printed broadside that was generally distributed and read to the public. Nevertheless, although the wording was approved on the Fourth of July, most historians have concluded that â€Å"it was signed almost a month later after its adoption, not on July Fourth as is commonly believed† . The Declaration not only justified the independence of the United States of America by listing colonial complaints against King George III, but it also asserted certain and legal rights, including the right of evolution. Nonetheless, after the American Revolution, the original purpose of the text was ignored. Since then, the Declaration of Independence can only be viewed as a major statement on human rights. Yet, the ques... ...he Declaration of Independence: an interpretation and an analysis (New York, The Macmillan Company, 1904), 67 Pauline Maier, American Scripture: Making the Declaration of Independence (New York, Alfred A. Knopf, 1998), 41 Brian Boyd, Origin of Stories: Evolution, Cognition and Fiction (Massachusetts, Belknap of Harvard UP, 2010), 21 Henry Stephens Randall, The life of Thomas Jefferson, Volume 1 (New York: Derby & Jackson, 1858), 165 Carl L. Becker, The Declaration of independence: a study in the history of political ideas (New York: Harcourt, Brace and Co., 1922), 4 Merrill Jensen, The Founding of a Nation: A History of the American Revolution 1763-1776 (New York: Oxford University Press, 1968), 700—1 John E. Ferling, Setting the World Ablaze: Washington, Adams, Jefferson, and the American Revolution (New York: Oxford University Press, 2000), 131—37

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Markting Mix

Marketing Mix Activity 2. Zara's Objectives, Strategies and Problems. 2. 1 Objectives The first objective for Zara is to continue their expansion in countries like Switzerland, Italy, and Czech Republic and also on other continents: Latin America and Asia. A second objective is to continue their stores' growth in the countries where already exists in order to consolidate its position and increase its market share. By the accomplishment of the two objectives Zara is looking to create enduring profitable growth. 2. 2 StrategiesI will start with the product market penetration used by Zara and more precisely with the product line stretching (one of the tactics allowed by the product market penetration) and we can see in OUR MISSION STATEMENT ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY Through Zara’s business model, we aim to contribute to the sustainable development of society and that of the environment with which we interacts. The company's commitment to the environment is included in Inditex Groupà ¢â‚¬â„¢s Corporate Responsibility Statement, published on our website: www. inditex. com.The following are some of the objectives and actions included in the framework of the group's environmental commitment and have a direct impact on our shops and customers: AT THE STORE * – We save energy. * – The eco-friendly shop. * – We produce less waste, and recycle. * – Our commitment extends to all our staff. * – An environmentally aware team. We save energy. The eco-friendly store.? We are implementing an eco-friendly management model in our shops in order to reduce energy consumption by 20%, introducing sustainability and efficiency criteria.This management model sets out measures to be applied to all processes, including the design of the shop itself, the lighting, heating and cooling systems and the possibility of recycling furniture and decoration. We produce less waste and recycle. Recycling hangers and alarms, which are picked up from our shops and processed into other plastic elements, is an example of our waste management policy. Millions of hangers and alarms are processed each year and both the cardboard and plastic used for packaging are also recycled. Our commitment extends to all our staff.Increased awareness among our team members.? We hold In-company awareness campaigns and specific multimedia-based training programmes to educate our staff in sustainable practices, such as limiting energy consumption, using sustainable transport and modifying behaviour patterns. WITH THE PRODUCT * – We use ecological fabrics. * – Organic cotton. * – We manufacture PVC-free footwear. We use ecological fabrics. Organic cotton.? Zara supports organic farming and makes some of its garments out of organic cotton (100% cotton, completely free of pesticides, chemicals and bleach).They have specific labels and are easy to spot in our shops. We produce PVC-free footwear. No petroleum derivatives or non-biodegradable mater ials are used in the production of our footwear (PVC free). IN TRANSPORT We use biodiesel fuel.? Zara's fleet of lorries, which transport more than 200 million items of clothing a year, use 5% biodiesel fuel. This allows us to reduce our CO2 emissions by 500 tons. Zara’s Marketing Strategy Posted on September 16, 2011 by Conrad Chan The fashion company Zara has a marketing strategy that is quite unique. Zara only spends about 0. % of their revenue on promotion. This would be the reason Zara does not appear on television or poster advertisements. Zara focuses heavily on their product, place and pricing as opposed to promotion. Zara rarely advertises any store sales or   have sales promotions other than sale items unlike other retailers. It is also interesting to note that Zara never places their brand or logo on their products. In contrast to local retailers like J2 Clothing, Zara’s sales associates do not need to focus on personal selling. Their customer service with in the store is rather weak.It is their innovative products and affordable pricing that keeps customers returning to their store. Their products seemingly advertises itself. In addition, Zara has remarkable logistics and they are able to get a product from design to the shelf in just two weeks. With such efficiency, they are able to produce thousands of new designs a year. In fact, Zara produces new products every week as said on their website. Zara is known for their fast fashion, which means popular products may disappear off the shelf within days, forcing customers to constantly check for new items.Zara also markets it’s brand through rapid expansion. With more than 1,500 stores around the world in over 70 countries, they open around 150 new stores every year. With the brand becoming world renown, the company is also focusing on sustainable marketing by opening stores which consume 30% less energy compared to the average conventional store. The new stores also save 50% of water consumption and maintains their CO2 emissions below 150 toms a year. It is no wonder  a  Louis Vuitton  spokesperson described Zara as â€Å"possibly the most innovative and  devastating  retailer in the world†.Zara’s Success Strategy for Dummies Zara, or more precisely its parent company Inditex, has become the world’s largest retailer. Here is how they did it in 3 steps! But first, just a few impressive numbers†¦ * Annual sales: â‚ ¬13. 8 billion (? 11. 2 billion) * Garments produced in one year: 840 million * 5,900 stores in 85 countries * Zara has become a renowned fashion phenomenon with its ability to provide stylish interpretations of catwalk trends at a reasonable price and at exceptional speed. So how do they do it? STEP ONE: Find out what customers wantIt all starts with the store staff†¦ â€Å"What if this dress was a little shorter? Would you like this jumper in another colour? What if we added zippers at the ankles? â⠂¬ Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ These are questions you often hear at Zara. This is because Zara’s store staff has been trained to find out what you want. Store managers are really motivated to do this because as much as 70% of their salaries can come from commissions. When the day is over and the store is closed, the staff turns into a sort of investigation unit, searching for clues in the pile of unsold items that customers tried on.They look for any evidence of colour, style and fabric trends. Geeky computer stuff†¦ Then, armed with Digital Assistants, they store their report on a very intelligent information system and combine it with the hard data captured at the cash register. Zara’s Headquarters in Spain can then access this information to find out current trends in what customers want. STEP TWO: Offer what customers want Designing†¦ From their Headquarters in La Coruna (Spain), designers and product developers look at all the data collected from the stores to create clot hes we have shown interest for.By the way, they design over 30,000 items a year versus only 4,000 by H;M†¦ WOW! Zara has often been accused of copying high-end brands, but always got away with it because they always change their design just enough to escape copyright laws. Producing†¦ The average time for a Zara concept to go from idea to appearance in store is 15 days, while it takes H;M about 3 to 5 months! This is because Inditex runs a vertical supply chain, which means that it possesses its own manufacturing and distribution capabilities.A Dolce ; Gabbana dress photographed on fashion week takes months to arrive on the shop floor, but Zara manages to produce something awfully similar in just a couple of weeks! How infuriating for designers?! By making roughly 40% of its own fabric and purchasing most of its dyes from its own subsidiaries, Zara gains a lot of flexibility and saves a lot of time. It actually dyes its cloth in its own factories as late as possible so it can react more quickly to any trend shift that might occur mid season. ? STEP THREE: Attracting customersFrequent and limited production†¦ Zara stores receive deliveries of new clothes twice a week. This constant arrival of new, limited-run items encourages us to visit Zara much more often and has created an urgency to buy. I definitely feel this. If I see a jacket I really like from Zara, I know I have to buy it now, or it will probably be gone by next week. No advertising†¦ it’s all about location! You will never see a Zara flashy campaign, that’s because Inditex doesn’t advertise. In fact, it barely even has a marketing department!As Mark Tungate describes it, â€Å"The secret to Zara’s appeal is that, although shopping there is cheap, it doesn’t feel cheap†. This phenomenon is due to Inditex’s heavy investments on the beauty and historical appeal of it’s stores. It wants its stores to look and feel like a luxury s hop. Zara will place its store very close to luxury brands, targeting each city’s smartest shopping areas, and then buy a grand, modern and spacious store. In fact, Zara bought the most expensive building ever sold in Manhattan: 666, 5th Avenue for the modest sum of $324 million!

Quality of Life in Nigeria

The line flavour of feel (QOL) refers to the general hygienic-being of angiotensin converting enzyme-on-ones and societies. The term is used in a astray range of contexts, including the fields of inter domainal develop custodyt, fountainheadnessc be, and politics. warren Buffett, probably the worlds near successful investor, has said that anything well(p) that happened to him could be traced sand to the fact that he was born(p) in the recompense surface argona, the joined States, at the right time (1930). None of us has a say in where he is born, nonwithstanding we butt end do just aboutthing or so it for our barbarianren.I in that locationfore wish to discuss apiece factor associated with tone of life as related to Nigeria and p occupy for suggestions from all in all of us on how to rectify on them so as to make this democracy a good channelize for us to die hard * Material wellbeing as mensural by vulgar house servant product per head The vulgar dom estic product (GDP) or d cause-to-earth domestic in k forthwith (GDI) is one of the measures of national income and produce. GDP th to a lower place mug be defined in three ways, which should give identical results. First, it is passable to the enumerate expenditures for all final goods and litigate produced within the country in a specified period of time (usually a 365-day year).Second, it is match to the sum of the value added at every st era of action by all the industries, plus taxes and minus subsidies on products. Third, it is equal to the sum of the income gene estimated by product like compensation of employees, taxes on production and imports less subsidies, and gross operating surplus. The gross domestic product (GDP) measures of national income and output for a given countrys economy. The gross domestic product (GDP) is equal to the total expenditures for all final goods and operate produced within the country in a stipulated period of time.The primitive Dome stic Product (GDP) in Nigeria was charge 243. 98 billion US dollars in 2011. The GDP value of Nigeria re nonpluss 0. 39 pct of the world economy. GDP in Nigeria is account by the World Bank. Historically, from 1961 until 2011, Nigeria GDP aver develop 50. 07 USD one thousand thousand r all(prenominal)ing an all time soaring of 243. 98 USD Billion in declination of 2011 and a record dispirited of 4. 40 USD Billion in December of 1961. This is low as comp atomic build 18d to 14. 99 USD Trillion of United States in 2011. * invigoration expectancy at endureLife expectancy at birth indicates the number of eld a newborn infant would live if usual patterns of mortality at the time of its birth were to stay the like by dint ofout its life. In separate speech, it contains the average number of years to be lived by a collection of race born in the very(prenominal) year, if mortality at distributively age remains constant in the future. The innovation everywherewhelms to tal world as well as the male and female mortal components. Life expectancy at birth is likewise a measure of overall quality of life in a country and summarizes the mortality at all ages.It hind end overly be thought of as indicating the potential return on enthronisation in human capital and is bringful for the calculation of various actuarial measures. It is estimated to be 52. 05 years for total population, 48. 95 years for male and 55. 53 years for female (2012 estimates) in Nigeria. This is low as comp atomic number 18d to 78 years in Qatar for mannikin. * The quality of family life, found primarily on divorce rate Family quality of life refers to the extent to which families inevitably ar met, family members enjoy their life in concert, and family members meet a chance to do the things that ar strategical to them.The five domains of family quality of life argon emotional well-being, p atomic number 18nting, family interaction, corporeal/ actual well-being, and disability-related support. * The cite of semi semi governmental freedom semipolitical freedom is described as a relationship free of oppression or coercion the absence seizure of disabling conditions for an individual and the fulfillment of enabling conditions or the absence of lived conditions of compulsion, e. g. economic compulsion, in a society. It can also refer to the positive f be of rights, capacities and possibilities for action, and the exercise of complaisant or crowd rights.The concept can also embroil freedom from internal constraints on political action or speech (e. g. hearty con trendity, consistency, or inauthentic behaviour. ). The concept of political freedom is closely connected with the concepts of urbane liberties and human rights, which in democratic societies are usually afforded legal protection from the state. * demarcation protective covering (measured by the un physiologic exercise rate) Job certificate is the probability that an individu al bequeath sustain his or her stemma a demarcation with a high level of telephone line shelter is such that a person with the chew over would withdraw a pure chance of becoming unemployed.Job shelter is qualified on economy, reign business conditions, and the individuals ain skills. It has been found that heap have to a greater extent dividing line tribute in time of economic expansion and less in times of a recession. Also, near laws (such as the U. S. Civil Rights Act of 1964) bolster moving in tribute by qualification it black-market to fire employees for true motives. Un calling rate is a good indicator of job trade protection and the state of the economy and is tracked by economists, governance officials, and banks.Typically, government jobs and jobs in education, health bring off and law enforcement are considered very conceptive while private sector jobs are generally believed to offer lower job protective cover and it usually varies by indust ry, location, pedigree and another(prenominal) factors. Personal factors such as education, work experience, job functional area, work industry, work location, etc. , play an important constituent in determining the wish for an individuals services, and impacts their personal job protection measures.Since job shelter depends on having the necessary skills and experience that are in demand by employers, which in turn depend on the prevailing economic condition and business environment, individuals whose services are in demand by employers go out campaign to enjoy high job bail. To some extent, job security department also varies by employment laws of each country. A worker in Continental Europe, if asked about his job security, would reply by naming the symbol of statutory employment contract he has, ranging from temporary (no job security) to indefinite (virtually equivalent to tenure n US universities but across the whole economy). However, lots job security eventual ly depends on whether they are employable or not, and if businesses have a need for their skills or not, so although employment laws can offer some allayer and hedge from unemployment risk, they only have a marginal contribution to job security of individuals. Fact is, individuals need to have the right skill set to have good job security. * mood (measured by 2 variables the average deviation of minimum and maximal monthly temperatures from 14 degrees Celsius and the number of months in the year with less than 30mm rainfall)Climate potpourri poses a wide range of risks to population health risks that will increase in future decades, often to critical levels, if international humor channel continues on its flow rate trajectory. The three main categories of health risks include (i) direct-acting effects (e. g. out-of-pocket to heat waves, amplified blood line pollution, and natural stand disasters), (ii) impacts mediated via humour-related changes in ecological system s and relationships (e. g. rop yields, mosquito ecology, marine productivity), and (iii) the more easygoing (indirect) consequences relating to impoverishment, dis runment, resource conflicts (e. g. water), and pack-disaster mental health problems. Climate change thus threatens to slow, halt or reverse international progress towards cut back child under-nutrition, deaths from diarrheal affections and the spread of other infectious diseases. Climate change acts preponderantly by exacerbating the equaling, often enormous, health problems, especially in the piteouser parts of the world.Current variations in weather conditions already have umteen adverse impacts on the health of poor people in maturation nations, and these in like manner are presumable to be multiplied by the added stresses of humor change. A changing climate thus affects the prerequisites of population health tripping channelize and water, equal food, natural constraints on infectious disease agents, and the adequacy and security of shelter. A w progresser and more variable climate leads to higher levels of some air pollutants and more frequent extreme weather events.It increases the rate and ranges of transmission of infectious diseases finished unclean water and contaminated food, and by affecting vector electric organisms (such as mosquitoes) and medium or reservoir host species that retain in the infectious agent (such as cattle, nutty and rodents). Changes in temperature, rainfall and seasonality compromise verdant production in many regions, including some of the least developed countries, thus jeopardising child health and growth and the overall health and functional capacity of adults.As warming proceeds, the grimness (and perhaps frequency) of weather-related disasters will increase and appears to have done so in a number of regions of the world over the foregone several decades. Therefore, in summary, planetary warming, together with resultant changes in food an d water supplies, can indirectly cause increases in a range of adverse health outcomes, including malnutrition, diarrhea, injuries, cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, and water-borne and insect-transmitted diseases.Health equity and climate change have a study impact on human health and quality of life, and are interlinked in a number of ways. The report of the WHO Commission on Social Determinants of Health points out that separate communities are likely to shoulder a disproportionate share of the burden of climate change because of their increased exposure and picture to health threats. Over 90 part of malaria and diarrhea deaths are borne by children aged 5 years or younger, just aboutly in developing countries.Other severely touch population groups include women, the elderly and people living in small island developing states and other coastal regions, mega-cities or cragged areas. Climate change can lead to dramatic increases in prevalence of a variety of infectio us diseases. Beginning in the mid-70s, there has been an emergence, resurgence and redistribution of infectious diseases. Reasons for this are likely multicausal, dependent on a variety of social, environmental and climatic factors, however, many argue that the volatility of infectious disease may be one of the soonest biological expressions of climate nstability. Though many infectious diseases are affected by changes in climate, vector-borne diseases, such as malaria, breakbone fever fever and leishmaniasis, present the strongest causal relationship. Malaria in particular, which kills approximately 300,000 children annually, poses the close imminent threat. often it is argued that Africa need not care about climate change because in global dimensions Africa itself produces negligible greenhouse hired gunes. Climate change is primarily caused by the developed countries, so they should be the ones dealing with it.However, it is the bitter badinage of destiny that Africa contri butes least of all the continents to the climate change, but will probably go most from its consequences. According to economists it is a typic case of negative external effects, an exteriorisation of be A noninvolved party bears the cost of a leash partys actions. As Africa is exposed to a number of resource-consuming stressors (ranging from HIV to corruption to permanent crises and conflicts), relatively fewer resources remain to react proactively on the climate change.Seeing the climate change as an external shock to the continent caused by the externalisation of costs of a third party, payments and assistance can be considered to be a reasonable way to deal Africa for the negative climate effects. Currently, there is no evidence to suggest that the rapid outpouring of climate change is subsiding. Even if we miraculously look atd to stop all greenhouse gas emissions, we would still be faced with the potentially irreversible changes we have already brought.Thus, it is es sential that we adapt to these changing conditions. Our response will be both(prenominal) reactive and prevenient and will need to adopt place at many levels (legislative, engineering and personal-behaviour). In response to malaria we will need to, for example, improve the quality and memory main courseibility of health services, observe and target response towards vulnerable populations, improve our modelling and surveillance capacity, and implement broad-based in the public eye(predicate) education campaigns. Personal somatic security ratings (based primarily on recorded homicide rates and ratings for risk from crime and terrorism) Physical security is primarily concerned with restricting physical access by unauthorized people ( communally interpreted as intruders) to controlled facilities, although there are other considerations and situations in which physical security measures are valuable (for example, limiting access within a facility and/or to specific assets, and envi ronmental controls to slash physical incidents such as fires and floods).Security inevitably incurs costs and, in reality, it can never be perfect or complete in other words, security can reduce but cannot entirely eliminate risks. stipulation that controls are imperfect, strong physical security applies the principle of defense in astuteness using appropriate combinations of overlapping and completing controls. Physical security is not uniquely human. The practice of actively defending a territory against intruders or opponents is very common in the animal kingdom. Physical security is also not a raw phenomenon. The technology is continually evolving along with the threats.Physical security controls that were considered adequate in the prehistorical tend to be insecure straight off due to advances in the knowledge and capabilities of attackers. The goal of physical security is to convince potential attackers that the likely costs of attack exceeds the value of reservation the attack, e. g. that consequences of a failed attack may well exceed the gain. The combination of layered security features establishes the presence of territoriality. The initial layer of security for a campus, building, office, or other physical space uses crime prevention through environmental design to deter threats.Some of the most common examples are also the most basic warning signs or windowpane stickers, fences, vehicle barriers, vehicle height-restrictors, restricted access points, security lighting and trenches. However, even passive voice things like hedgerows may be sufficient in some circumstances. * Quality of alliance life (based on membership in social organisations) The club life of a set of people is based on their culture. Community life is more or less the aforementioned(prenominal) with culture of the people and this entails activities within the standard and scope of culture which morality also takes cognizance of.The number and kinds of people in a p artnership have a great influence on type of companionship/social living, and this is where the traditions of such people have a great role to play. Traditions are the customs, practices, bits of legend and folklore and legends go a long way in establishing the community life, that tangible quality which makes it different in spirit from other communities in the same circumstances. Similarly, people in a community share legends and bits of folklore and this common heritage from the past gives people a sense of community solidarity. Governance (measured by ratings for corruption) There are various reasons why the situation has come to this dangerous abyss but when compared to other societies, it is obvious that Nigeria lack a dwelling grown ruling class that in addition to everything else should set the direction of the nation by detailing set objectives and the go and aims necessary to achieve desired goals. What obtains today is the governance of Nigeria by a political social s tructure whose main objective is to take and plunder the land without giving back anything to the country.According to the oxford English dictionary governance miserly to rule over, be in ability over, exercise control over and hold sway over. In other words governance is a form of dictatorship. As it applies to Nigeria, governance is a peculiar form of dictatorship presently exercising a domineering paralytic control and originator over the Nigerian people. A few group of people and their families have persistent to hold power over everyone else in Nigeria since the British dictatorship handed over power to them in 1960.These few individuals also inherited the same principle of break and rule as well as the indirect rule system which entertain tribalism, ethnicism, disunity and other by products including lack of peace, injustice, unfairness, bribery, corruption 419inism to just name a few of sowed and grown social environment that exist in Nigeria today. Todays political str ucture takes origin right from the office colonial days and in the to the south Nigeria for example the NCNC and Action Group accept and recruited sworn loyalists who were distributed to each ethnic set/zones who in turn recruited from villages and wards.When these parties are in the seat of government political plunder is transmitted downwards and during election these recruits manage the result of the election to favour the robbery political structure. In the North until lately when few changes has begun to occur in the place belt the Emirs and village heads continued from where they stop with the British. Nothing in that inherited structure has changed. The various military interludes in government did not affect the structure but merely substituted traditional rulers in place of the party loyalists.However where the previous immediate post colonial governors did manage to provide some public amenities these present political structure have only one objective and that is f illing their pockets with the Shell distributed hostile exchange and to set up family dynasties of their own. In addition to this political structure is the state machinery, a fearsome, lethal and ruthless organ that has a mind of its own that is almost alien to this world. They provide the muscle for the political structure. Then there are the activities of CIA and FBI.It is no secret that every man who has strategic position in the government of Nigeria both in the executive and political arm has a CIA or Scotland Yard or Mossad agent as confidante and as a friend. Recent figures quoted by the Swedish tuition on countries show that there are 65 international agencies operating in Nigeria that have no economic or social relevance and that these figures do not include the security agencies or the activities of Israel, Arabs and the Palestinians that poriferan on Nigeria.The bottom line is that the brainpower box and factors that programme the existing political and administrativ e structure of Nigeria are in foreign hands. There is urgent need for a ruling class that will effect change to halt the present state of affairs and to make Nigeria a place to benefit her people now and generation to come. * Gender equality (measured by the share of seats in parliament held by women) Gender equality implies that men and women should receive equal treatment unless there is a sound biological reason for different treatment.The concept based on the United Nations Declaration of valet Rights, and the net aim is to provide equality in law and equality in social situations, especially in democratic activities and securing equal pay for equal work and for example Equal Rights Amendment in United States. important sexuality gaps in education, economic say-so and political participation remain in Nigeria. While progress towards parity in primary school education has been made, there remains a significant remuneration and labour force participation gender gap.Discrimi natory laws and practices, violence against women and gender stereotypes hinder greater progress towards gender equality. Nigeria has a specially high maternal mortality rate and women access to quality health care is limited, particularly in rural areas Nigeria has a National Gender Policy which focuses on women empowerment while also making a commitment to eliminate preferential practices which are harmful to women.The 1999 Constitution of Nigeria prohibits divergence on the grounds of gender, but frequent and ghostly laws continue to restrict womens rights. As Nigeria is a federal republic, each state has the authority to draft its own legislation. However, any law which is contradictory to federal official Law or the Constitution can be challenged in a federal Court and cannot subsist. The combination of federation and a tripartite system of civil, customary and religious law makes it very difficult to agree legislation and remove discriminatory measures.Moreover, certain states in the north follow Islamic (Sharia) law, although not exclusively and only in instances where Muslims make use of Islamic courts. tenderness to Islamic law reinforces customs that are unfavourable to women, including those relating to freedom of movement, and to marriage and inheritance. As of 2006, the Abolition of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women in Nigeria and other Related Matters Bill was under consideration it is unclear whether this has been promulgated into law.Nigeria validate the Convention on the Elimination of all told Forms of Discrimination Against Women in 1985, and the Optional protocol in 2004. The country ratified the communications protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples Rights on the Rights of Women in Africa in 2005. Nigerias Human Development Index wee for 2011 is 0. 459, placing it in 156th place (out of a total of 187 countries). Nigeria is ranked 120th in the 2011 spherical Gender Gap Index (out of cxxxv countries), with a score of 0. 6011.